80 Poison Pills in House Drafted Financial Services and General Government Spending Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Republican appropriators added approximately 80 new poison pill riders to their draft Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) spending bill. Lisa Gilbert, executive vice president of Public Citizen and co-chair of the Clean Budget Coalition, released the following statement:
“From attacking abortion rights to making it more difficult to vote to meddling with local D.C. traffic laws, House Republicans have drafted a bill they know won’t pass. This bill is packed full of many of the same culture war riders, attacks on democracy, and special favors for corporate scammers that couldn’t pass in FY 24. House Republicans are wasting their time and everyone else’s by including these odious measures again. At every turn, Republicans are showing they would rather do the bidding of far right extremists and corporate predators than do their actual jobs. All of their poison pills must be removed from any final spending package.”