Questions? Comments? Reporters, coalition members, and allies are encouraged to contact David Rosen at drosen@citizen.org to speak with an expert, join the coalition, or find out more.
Clean Budget Coalition Thanks Congress for Rejecting Poison Pill Riders
Dear Member of Congress, As a part of the Clean Budget Coalition, we, the undersigned organizations, write to thank the Minibus I conferees for reaching a conference bill with no new ideological poison pill policy riders in the conference language of Minibus I made up of the Legislative Branch, Energy & Water and Military Construction–Veterans Affairs appropriations bills and push for a similar outcome for Minibus II and III. As Senate Appropriations Chair Shelby and Ranking Member Leahy have both […]
Clean Budget Coalition Urges Congress to Oppose Poison Pill Riders in Minibus I
Dear Member of Congress, The Clean Budget Coalition, an alliance of over 260 labor, scientific, research, good government, faith, civil rights, community, health, environmental, and public interest groups, writes to ask you to oppose all ideological poison pill policy riders in the conference language of Minibus I made up of the Legislative Branch, Energy & Water and Military Construction–Veterans Affairs appropriations bills. As Senate Appropriations Chair Shelby and Ranking Member Leahy have both called for keeping the Appropriations bills clean from […]
Clean Budget Coalition Opposes Inappropriate Riders and Rescissions
Coalition Applauds Lawmakers Who Removed Hundreds of Poison Pill Riders From the Omnibus
The 264 groups in the Clean Budget Coalition are applauding congressional lawmakers who fought to remove hundreds of poison pill policy riders from the omnibus text, particularly the minority leadership and appropriators in both chambers of Congress. Thanks to their hard work and determination, Americans are getting a funding package for FY 2018 that is mostly free from these harmful measures, which would have threatened our environment, our campaign finance system and women’s health, rolled back Wall Street reforms and […]
Cleaning Instructions, Sponges Delivered to All 535 Hill Offices, Urging Lawmakers to Wipe Away Dirty Omnibus Riders
Leahy, Lowey, Schakowsky, Coalition Leaders Call for a Clean Omnibus Package That Excludes Dirty Riders
Dirty Riders Threaten Clean Funding Legislation
Congress Must Remove Hundreds of Poison Pill Riders From the Omnibus
More than halfway into the fiscal year, Congress finally has reached a two-year budget deal and can take the next step. While it is problematic that the bill advantages military spending over domestic spending, it increases funding levels across the board. Congress now can turn to the task of appropriating the funds needed to keep the programs and protections we all care about running. But standing in the way of a final funding package are hundreds of partisan poison pill […]
Press Release: 149 Groups Urge Congress to Remove Poison Pill Riders and Fund Our Government
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a letter sent today to all 535 congressional offices, 149 groups in the Clean Budget Coalition called on Congress to pass a clean omnibus, free from poison pill policy riders. Poison pill riders threaten workers, consumers and families as well as our communities, environment and economy, and they should be removed from any final or short-term funding agreement, the coalition maintains. “Poison pill riders are unpopular as standalone legislation, and the public opposes using them to […]