Clean Budget Coalition Thanks Congress for Rejecting Poison Pill Riders

Three Minibuses

Dear Member of Congress,

As a part of the Clean Budget Coalition, we, the undersigned organizations, write to thank the Minibus I conferees for reaching a conference bill with no new ideological poison pill policy riders in the conference language of Minibus I made up of the Legislative Branch, Energy & Water and Military Construction–Veterans Affairs appropriations bills and push for a similar outcome for Minibus II and III.

As Senate Appropriations Chair Shelby and Ranking Member Leahy have both called for keeping the Appropriations bills clean from new partisan poison pill policy riders, we ask you to do the same in upcoming conferences.

Time and time again, members of Congress attempt to quietly slip in special interest wish list items that couldn’t pass as standalone legislation into must-pass funding packages as poison pill riders.

Appropriations bills must not be misused to undermine essential safeguards. Slipping unrelated and damaging issues into must-pass appropriations bills as a means to win approval is a dangerous strategy for the public.

Poison pill riders are unpopular and damaging, and the public opposes using them to roll back public protections. The American people support policies to:

  • Restrain Wall Street abuses;
  • Ensure safe and healthy food and products;
  • Secure our air, land, water and wildlife;
  • Safeguard fair and safe workplaces;
  • Guard against consumer rip-offs and corporate wrongdoing;
  • Defend our campaign finance and election systems;
  • Provide access to justice and fair housing;
  • Protect civil rights; and
  • Guarantee continued access to vital health care services including reproductive health care, and more.

We urge Members of Congress to abide by the funding numbers agreed upon in that deal to fund the essential programs our nation needs for FY19, and to follow the Senate bipartisan agreement and Minibus I conference language by rejecting any flawed conference bills that include poison pill policy riders.



Alaska Wilderness League

American Association for Justice

American Rivers

Center for Reproductive Rights

Citizens’ Environmental Coalition

Coalition on Human Needs

Common Cause

Defenders of Wildlife

Democracy 21


Economic Policy Institute Policy Center

Endangered Species Coalition

Environmental Working Group

Green Science Policy Institute

Impact Fund

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

League of Conservation Voters

League of Women Voters of the United States

NARAL Pro-Choice America

National Black Justice Coalition

National Coalition for the Homeless

National Council of Jewish Women

National Employment Law Project

National Employment Lawyers Association

National Low Income Housing Coalition

National Women’s Law Center

Natural Resources Defense Council

New Jersey Association on Correction

New Progressive Alliance

People For the American Way

People’s Action Institute

Planned Parenthood Federation of America


Public Citizen

Public Justice Center

Safe Climate Campaign

Save Our Sky Blue Waters

Service Employees International Union

Sierra Club

The Wilderness Society


Union of Concerned Scientists

Voices for Progress

Wild West Institute

Woodstock Institute