House Republican CR with SAVE Act Poison Pill Is Dead on Arrival

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Republicans plan to vote this week on a government funding extension through March 2025 that zeroes out election security grants and includes a harmful poison pill, the SAVE Act. That bill would require proof of citizenship for voting and make it far more difficult for many citizens to cast ballots. Lisa Gilbert, co-president of Public Citizen and co-chair of the Clean Budget Coalition, released the following statement:

“Once again, House Republicans are letting MAGA extremists call the shots and sabotage the annual spending bills with culture war poison pills. The House GOP’s partisan and extreme CR is unacceptable, and it cannot pass in the Senate or clear the White House. It risks a costly and disruptive government shutdown just weeks before an election that nobody in either party wants. A clean CR is the only way forward. The only question is how long it will take for the House Republican leadership to reach that conclusion and pass a bipartisan bill.”